Saturday, January 14, 2012

An addition to my family!

Christopher (boyfriend/architect) and I adopted a new member to our apartment this holiday! Her name is Greta and she is a year in a half Jindo Island Dog! 


I was in a show with a group of students that was currently enrolled or graduated from local universities last November at Brazee Street Studios in their One One Gallery. I re-used parts of my work from my previous Thesis show but re-made and re-installed the work in a new way.

Core Clay Artist in Residence 2011-2012

I am currently a one-year artist in residence at the local ceramic studio Core Clay. Laura Davis privately owns the ceramic studio and store with 40+ artist sharing the space. Jamie Muenzer and Sarah Feldkamp are two fellow University fo Cincinnati DAAP graduates in the one -year artist in residence with me. We all live and work together next door to the studio! Check out Core Clay at Clay and visit us on Gilbert Avenue!